Mes Voitures

Mes Voitures

This is a project I’ve always wanted to build, it’s a automotive blog but also a community site, users can share their cars to their “Garage”, discuss topics or even ask questions to the community.

A WordPress site completely customized to add every WordPress feature to the front end, so registered users don’t see the WordPress back-end. No plugins used a part from the basic ones, everything was custom code.

What I’ve done:

Custom Design: Bootstrap 5, Font Awesome and jQuery.
Custom front-end Registration.
Custom front-end Login/Logout.
Custom front-end Forgotten Password.
Custom front-end “Edit Profile”.
Custom profile for every user with their information.
Custom front-end “Add Car”: A form for any user to add a car to their garage using a custom post type with a lot of information of the car.
Custom front-end “Questions” and “Answers”: It’s like a mini forum for users to ask questions and receive answers, again made with a custom post type.
They can also edit their car, to add more photos or just update the information. This is also valid to the “Questions” (mini forum), they can edit their questions.

Everything is done using the WordPress function wp_insert_post() and wp_update_post().

Project Details

Date: 23-Nov-2024
Categories: Web Development, WordPress

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